Funny, I wouldn’t consider this an architecture shot – not that I mind it being moved here – as I was purely interested in the pattern.
Thanks, Ali.
I tend to do a few standard things with most of my shots, sharpening using the following procedure being one of them:
1. unsharp mask: 75% / 150pix radius / threshold 2
followed by
2. unsharp mask: 75% / 2pix radius / threshold 2
followed by
3. sharpen
followed by
4. stuff like desaturating with a channel mixer layer (set to monochrome at 75% opacity) and adding colour overlays and ting init.
followed by
5. me usually forgetting what I did next!
Just about to close down computer when i came across this photograph. Great image, powerful. Turned the laptop upside down and an alternative composition is created. Two for the price of one.
Just about to close down computer when i came across this photograph. Great image, powerful. Turned the laptop upside down and an alternative composition is created. Two for the price of one.
And there was me thinking I was the only person peculiar enough to do that… :lol: