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Just hanging there

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Just hanging there

  • SteveD

    This old rope was just hanging in a corner! I liked how the rounded shapes of the rope contrasted with the sharper rock in the wall. How do you find the composition?



    I see what you mean about the rounded curves contrasting with the sharper edges of the stones in the wall; the problem is, I may not have had you not told me what to look for. So from a compositional point of view I feel you’ve failed on this one. Question is, what’s wrong with it?

    Unfortunately for me, there is far too much rope in the picture and that dominates the image without any real point of interest. Just my opinion mind, but I would imagine the contrast you were aiming for might be better achieved by removing the two loops of newer rope from the left and retaking the image, possibly portrait format with the two loops of older rusted looking rope as your main focal point. I do however like the slight curve of the mortar joint leading up from the bottom right corner as part of it echos the curve of the lower loop.



    Rob, thanks very much for the detailed feedback. You are truely the master of constructive feedback!

    I think you are right, I took a lame shot and tried to read too much into it, doh!


    Master?? :lol: :lol: :lol: . Steve, what I know about photography could be written on the back of a postage stamp (Well, maybe an A6 size postage stamp…… or an A5 size one with very small handwriting), and everything that I do know I’ve learned from all the selfless, sharing and talented souls who frequent this site. I’m only beginning to learn how to read a photograph, but I do thank you for the compliment. Almost every image you’ve posted to date has simply blown me away.



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