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  • paperdoll

    This little fella spotted me watching him in the Botanic Garden recently………


    Nice capture and nice caption Paperdoll. Love the new Avatar btw :wink:


    cheers Rob. I haven’t had much chance to get out with the camera lately, so it was thin pickings!

    Noely F

    Great aren’t they…..have they still got the signs in the Bots warning about squirrels biting the public?
    St. Annes has only a few reds left but if yer lucky ya can get some good shots of them.The Greys are everywhere now :wink:


    The Greys are everywhere now

    Some people recommend shooting them, but not with a camera.

    You get reds in a few places around here, but across in Britain they’re in serious danger. Lovely wee critturs, too.


    Noely F wrote:

    Great aren’t they…..have they still got the signs in the Bots warning about squirrels biting the public?
    St. Annes has only a few reds left but if yer lucky ya can get some good shots of them.The Greys are everywhere now :wink:

    yeah – the signs are still there…dangerous little so and so’s! They’ve been known to follow people (my sister) if they see you feeding the ducks. Stalkers!

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