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Counting Birds, Anyone?

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Counting Birds, Anyone?

  • PeteTheBloke

    It’s a bit off topic, but Mark will forgive me I’m sure….

    I count birds every week for the BTO. It’s part of a scientific survey covering the whole of the North West European Archipelago. I submit my counts online and can view data about birds in close detail. It’s a charity and I pay ?12 a year to be part of it. I got a nice book about garden birds when I joined and now I receive a quarterly magazine. It’s good craic, because you learn a lot more about the wildlife in your garden.

    Here’s the invitation: there are very few counters in Ireland despite the large number of interesting migrants that pass through here. If anyone fancies it, let me know and I’ll post out a joining form.


    Thats ok Peter :)

    I’m very much in favour of supporting anything which increases our knowledge of the wildlife around us.
    Its part and parcel of nature/widlife photography as far as I’m concerned.

    Noely F

    I live near the coast and I’m fortunate to have large numbers of Brent Geese feeding outside my door in the winter,plus various other waders.I’d be interested Pete.


    Send me a PM or something with your address and I’ll post out a form.



    No one ever came back to me about this (not even Noely).

    New year resolution for someone? Maybe?

    John Griffin

    Pete, We have another version of that survey here in the south it’s run between National Parks and Wildlife Service and Birdwatch Ireland, it known as I-WeBS, I work for NPWS and do counts every month throughout the winter. If anybody is interested in finding out more about it you can PM me or check out Birdwatch Irelands website. They are always looking for counters.


    John Griffin wrote:

    Pete, We have another version of that survey here in the south it’s run between National Parks and Wildlife Service and Birdwatch Ireland, it known as I-WeBS, I work for NPWS and do counts every month throughout the winter. If anybody is interested in finding out more about it you can PM me or check out Birdwatch Irelands website. They are always looking for counters.

    Just downloaded their form. No harm in filling two, I suppose. The Irish one only seems to cover Winter.

    Noely F

    Oooops……I thought I replied to that :oops: I’ll be in touch :lol:


    I know I probably shouldn’t really post this here, and it’s a bloody awful photograph,
    but I couldn’t resist.
    Pointed my camera blindly at the sky yesterday up at Lough Ramor and clicked as the
    thousands of crows that inhabit the trees along the shoreline took flight during a short break
    in the weather. It would seem that the birds have resorted to counting themselves these
    days, though there must be serious deficiencies in the avian educational system; it took
    eighteen of them to make up the number 9. I call this one ‘Murder by Numbers’. :P

    Noely F

    Counting Crows….hmmmmm :wink:


    Rob wrote:

    there must be serious deficiencies in the avian educational system; it took
    eighteen of them to make up the number 9. I call this one ‘Murder by Numbers’. :P

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Beats reading tea leaves Rob.

    I reckon it’s the number of days you have to live if keep badgering Ming about the competition.


    PeteTheBloke wrote:

    Beats reading tea leaves Rob.

    I reckon it’s the number of days you have to live if keep badgering Ming about the competition.

    :lol: :lol:

    Cheers Pete. Forewarned is forearmed.
    I’d best watch my step.

    Rob :wink:



    I took the image and raised the green channel a bit, dropped in an opaque mask and adjusted the curves on the saturation level. Then I duplicated the layer, inverted it and rotated the 3rd layer through 5.5 degrees.

    I think you can see there’s a clear warning. Stay in bed tomorrow, if I were you.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Brilliant Pete. Made me laugh out loud


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