First off welcome to the site. You’ll get lots of help from the members
and lots of inspiration also I hope.
I suppose one of the first questions is do you have a camera ? Doesn’t have to be
any particular type or level of camera to get results. Its what you do with the camera that matters.
If you don’t have a camera, what sort of budget do you have ?
Any particular type of photography are you interested in ?
From one Kildare man to another you are very welcome here.
Dont be afraid to ask questions here. There are a lot of very helpful people on this site.
You have access to such a great documentary area for photography.. maybe post in the people or documentary section for more people to see it :)
your perspective is superb, maybe a little lower again would also work … Its a shame the guy at the front has moved his arm in front of his face.. even though your topic is the competition a good thing to remember is if there are people in the shot – try to catch their eyes ..its important that we see faces and what they are engaged in. This would work great in BW also btw.