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E Type Jag

  • shutterbug
    Jay King

    you have an extra space there… You need to edit your post so the link looks like this….


    LOL, and here was me expecting to see one of my favourite cars!! ;)

    Nice pic though… It’s sharp, but some areas are a bit soft… and Id like to see it with a bit more saturation maybe?

    Where did you take it? And how close were you?


    I’ve had a tinker with it in photoshop, hope you dont mind :) This was done on a laptop so will be a bit off but all I did was image>adjustments>colour balance I upped red and yellow and decreased green slightly and added a touch of unsharp mask. Also used levels to adjust contrast.

    Its a great image too, what zoo is this? Dubin zoo has very thick glass that will cause this colour shift.

    Its critical to focus on the eye of the animal rather than the nose, with long lenses you just dont get enough depth of field to get both absolutely sharp unless you use F5.6 or over, depending on the focal length of course! It wont matter as much if the nose is a small bit blurry, we automatically look straight at the eyes of a person or animal, if the eye is sharp we percieve the photo as sharp no matter how blurred most of the photo is.


    Thanks Jay, will watch for that in future, I think I am getting the hang of uploading!! It was taken in Dublin zoo and he was about 20ft away.

    Thanks Cian it looks great!



    Great close up image shutterbug, well captured. Difficult enough to get shots of this quality at Dublin Zoo so it’s one to be proud of. Very nice edit from Cian too; the more saturated colours really bring this to life.



    the edited version gives the shot a bit of punch

    Is it me..or does he look a bit .. surprised ? :D



    There is definitely a bluey/green colour cast to the first shot which should be fixed, but I think the new edit is a bit over kill. I’d be very much of the opinion that less is more in nature photography, so we should try and keep things as natural looking as we can. I think my biggest problem with the shot is the large amount of specular highlights behind the animal, which are very contrasty and very attention grabbing. So if you could clone these out (yes I know I said less is more.. but assuming we could do it and make it look natural), sharpen the shot a little and remove the colour cast, you’d be on to a winner. It’s also a tad of a pity some spots on his fur are blown out.

    I had a quick go to show you what I mean. P.S. I also cropped it as I think the main attraction in the shot is the face, so the cropped out legs and paws in the original don’t add to it. As such, I cropped in even further.


    Thanks Rob, it is one of my favourites.

    Thanks LoGill, I have nicknamed him Sean after Sean Connery I think he is raising an eyebrow at me……..if they have eyebrows!!

    Thanks Ciaran, that really looks good, I have another that I cropped right in to his eyes nose and chin and it is hanging on my wall.



    Nice shot.
    I can’t remember his name. I think he’s 22 years old which is amazing … possibly double what he’d expect in the wild. He’s a great poser when he’s not hiding behind the bushes or in his house.


    joe_elway wrote:

    Nice shot.
    I can’t remember his name. I think he’s 22 years old which is amazing … possibly double what he’d expect in the wild. He’s a great poser when he’s not hiding behind the bushes or in his house.

    I have to agree that he does look an old classic. Great picture and some decent edits I would probably have to go with Ciaran’s

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