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Still Life in the Studio….

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Still Life in the Studio….

  • Not Pete the bloke

    My first ever attempt at still life in the studio. c&c welcome. It was bloody difficult to try to get flowers into the right position – I need one of those spongy boxes that flower arrangers use, but I’m too tough to go in and buy one… :oops:
    These were shot with the idea of getting something for the NIPA ‘Simplicity’ round which is due in the next week or so. I liked the backlighting on the yellow flower


    Nice shots for that NIPA round, my favourite is the last shot, good composition. I like the backlighting in the first but would also like to see it lit from the front just to see the difference.
    Those spongy boxes are called “Oasis”.
    Ooops, that I actually just admit to knowing what they are! :oops:

    Not Pete the bloke

    carl wrote:

    ….I like the backlighting in the first but would also like to see it lit from the front just to see the difference.

    Here you go……… :)

    My own view is that in order of posting, numbers 3 and 5 are the strongest??

    “Pear Hug” :


    Fully agree with you Ross. Numbers three and five are definitely the strongest, with number five just edging it. Pear Hug. Fabulous title, beautifully composed and exposed image. Simplicity indeed.


    Not Pete the bloke

    Thanks Rob – I agree that 5 is better than 3, and it is probably the one I will submit.


    The pears have it!


    Pears for me too. Nice shot.


    I have to agree with the pear chioce, Its the “Pear Tree” for me too.

    Not Pete the bloke

    Thanks for your input guys – Pears it is! I always did like a nice pear……… :lol:


    I would like to see the flowers with a white background I think… nice shots though all the same… time to get the sheets out at home and have a go…!!

    Jay King

    Yeah #5’s a winner… almost looks like a painting…

    I can nearly taste them! :)

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