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metal gig

  • MeleKalikimaka

    IMO there is way too much going on in the top two and last pictures (than again, it is a metal gig, so duh! on my part). The female bassist though really catchs the eye, love the slight colors that you pulled back in, and she’s hot, which always helps


    that basest shot is great . place looks very empty where are all the moshing fans


    it was very quiet, thus me going for trialing lights and dark b and w :D


    I keep coming back to these from time to time.. and in all honesty fair play to you for hogging that floor! It’s probably what I would do on a quiet gig (hehe quiet, metal – quiet? LOL), i.e. make the most of it from a photography point of view. A good time to try out who-knows-what.

    In re-visiting the pics they acquire a bit of chaos of their own, which is different to first impressions, for example the second pic, though it is a shame that there’s so much unclaimed space that cuts short any sense of euphoria that your effect could have had. The 3rd pic (the bass player) is probably the most appealing as people have commented (I like it too), spoiled only by the right hand side. But it’s a good conversion with the colour elements – well done.

    Have you checked out Marcin Stawiarz? The first and last shots remind me of his work – awesome huh! Keep practicing!! :)


    cheers for that link, very nice work, i love those types of images, real action and energy in them

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