i just got introduced to site at waterford cc and liked the look of site and hope to get more involved.The editing by orther
members looks a great idea and i hope to use this soon.I live in Waterford and mainly shoot outdoor events,landscapes
and buildings.I shoot on film and digital and do all me own editing and printing.Myself and two friends go out most
weekends, weather permitting and travel to any event that might be of interest, so news of anything on is always wellcome, so hello all trevor
Welcome to the site and nice to have a printing expert on board. I hope you don’t mind if i pick your brain from time to time.
There’s a trip to Glendalough scheduled for the 9th of December, info here.
If you are up for it, by all means register your interest by posting in the thread and John will get back to you. Look forward to seeing your work.
Welcome Trevors Im glad to see that someone actually listened to my talk about this site last monday night at the Waterford Camera Club. As said by Ali enjoy and feel free to show as many photos as you like .