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Reed Bunting

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Reed Bunting

  • griangraf

    Female Reed Bunting from the Burren last summer. canon 20D 300mm f4 IS.

    C & C welcome


    Jay King

    who’s watching who eh!?!

    The nice blue sky sets this off… the only thing I would say though is the crop/composition could be a bit tighter. Because it’s not a really dense tree, there is a lot of blue in the image… so the extra empty blue space around it tends to get the bird and tree lost in the image. Just my opinion…!

    Other than that, I like it.


    Beauty! I agree with Jay about the crop, but that’s a lovely shot of the bird.

    Noely F

    Agree with the above, nice shot…the males are stunners.


    Noely F wrote:

    Agree with the above, nice shot…the males are stunners.

    They sure are. Does anyone know if they migrate or anything? There’s an area near me where I see them in late Winter but that’s about the only time. I’ve only gotten two shots off of a male and a female. I’d love to be able to get some better shots.

    Noely F

    Lots up on Bray head in the summer, and a pair nest along the river beside my house.Havent seen any around this winter though.


    Noely F wrote:

    Havent seen any around this winter though.

    The local wildlife reserve doesn’t have many either. They were all over the place last Winter but barely any at the moment.


    Thanks for the feedback. I think the crop would be a very good idea. As regards bunting numbers I too have noticed a sharp drop off in number this winter. The species has been in a rather slow steady decline since the 1970’s according to the Birdwatch Ireland Country Bird survey due to habitiat depletion.

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