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Botswana – Birds

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Botswana – Birds

  • mervifwdc

    Not sure what this guy is:

    Fish Eagle

    not sure on this guy either.

    I think this is an egyptian goose, but would love to know for sure.

    Noely F

    Excellent shots, what gear did you use? First is a Jacana or Lilly trotter as they’re sometimes known.The American species are very similar. The goose is an Egyptian imho.


    Noely F wrote:

    Excellent shots, what gear did you use? First is a Jacana or Lilly trotter as they’re sometimes known.The American species are very similar. The goose is an Egyptian imho.

    Ah! Many thanks! I’ve a few more I’m not sure of I’ll go root out. Any idea on the little blue fellah?

    As to gear, I used the biggest heaviest lens I could get my hands on :-) Kidding asside, Canon 1dMII + 400 f/4.0 DO for them all. On the last one, I stuck in extender, bringing me to a 560mm lens. The Canon has a 1.3 crop factor on top of that. Shot in raw.



    Some fantastic stuff.

    Deffo an Egyptian Goose. The blue one is almost like a Superb Starling. This is one I got at the Serengeti southern gates:

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