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Sydney Pelican

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Sydney Pelican

  • fishjam45

    An old pic I dug up taken of a Pelican. Taken in Rose Bay, Sydney.


    Hi fishjam.

    It might be a good idea to resize your images before posting so that members don’t need to scroll around
    to view the entire image. 800 pixels on the longest side is generally a pretty good size to go for and you’re
    more likely to get responses to images that can be seen all at once.

    Regarding this one, you might like to try a different crop to lose the entire second bird and not just a portion
    of the beak. Also, the date across the bottom is very distracting. I’d lose that if I were you. Overall it’s not
    a bad picture though more thought could have gone in to its compostion. Keep posting, and remember, resize.




    I’d probably crop in a bit more too. i Love peli’s though. Great animals!


    cool thanks for the advice guys . . . check out my next few shots and let me know what ya think, cheers

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