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Big Orange Ball in the Sky

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Big Orange Ball in the Sky

  • Expresbro

    Another shot from my trip out to Bray yesterday. I wasn’t sure whether this was landscape or not…so I put it here to be safe… :wink:


    Quite absract and amusing. This one made me smile. I can see it not being to everyones tastes, but I have a soft spot for things don’t bend the rules a little. Simple composition, the main subject stands out well with strong contrasting colours and it just spells out memories of what the seaside is like. Thumbs up for this one from me.
    If I was to suggest something it would be to burn out the glare from the flash perhaps, it is a little distracting and takes the full impact of the image away,but other than that I like it.



    Thanks Pete :D

    You’re dead right about the flash glare. I’d overlooked it in my eagerness to get a post or two up after a fairly barren week or so. I’ll have at look at that tomorrow and see can i use the burn tool in PS :wink:

    Thanks for the comments…and I’m glad it made you smile. If it makes one person smile has to be worth taking.



    Quirky fun image with great colour, can’t resist these type of images myself. Have seen some great images over the years using these railings so you are in good company.


    They are like the swans down in the harbour…just begging to be photographed.. :D

    Pete…I tried using the Burn tool in PS…but it just kept coming out looking I’d used the burn tool in PS.. :wink:

    I am a novice in PS …so maybe I just need to practice more…of course..if you have any handy hints about using the burn tool I’ll gladly listen :D


    This looks to me like someone stuck a sticker on a nice distance seaside shot. Just for the fun of it. Hope you don’t mind me saying it reminds me of Mr. Blobby popping into a scene hes not supposed to be in. I really like it flash flare or not I think it works as a fun shot.



    :lol: :lol:

    Mr. Blobby huh..? Believe me..the furthest thing from my mind when i took that shot was Mr. Blobby…in fact I ALWAYS try to keep Mr. Blobby the furthest thing from my mind…hehe!!

    Made me laugh at 11pm though..which can’t be bad… :D

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