I’ve been looking up at this old telegraph pole for ages thinking there must be a shot in it. So I tried this…used my Olycon 1.7 Lens adaptor to zoom in close..then gave it a bit of Holgaesque vignetting in PS.
I’d need a long ladder or a cherry picker to take this one on a Holga (if I had one) Flip Flip…it’s about 60ft up..had to use the 1.7 extender to get this close.
Is one of those things…I’d been looking up at this telegraph pole in all kinds of different light and just waiting to shoot it. Can’t even explain what it is that attracted me to it…maybe all the cables shooting off in different directions…I had not noticed the face thing till Shutterbug pointed it out… :D
I’m often attracted (camera wise :wink: ) to unusual lines and angles. So had to get this one out of my system.. :D