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Zone Plate at Clare Glens

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Zone Plate at Clare Glens

  • JimmyG

    These are taken with a 75mm zoneplate – a variation on a pinhole – no lense used here. I did these at the Clare Glens co tipp, i suppose they belong in the macro/close up section as they are micro environments – brought to live by the zone plate glow. Shot on neopan 400 120 roll on ensign 12/20 folding camera (1950’s) with 75mm zone plate attached after removing lens elements. Film home developed in rodinal 1:50.


    Lovely work,
    they look like they’d make beautiful prints-
    Thanks for introducing me to the zone plate,
    I must admit I hadn’t heard of it before,
    but it makes for very interesting reading-

    I hope you don’t mind the link,
    but I found this to be very informative-

    It looks like your exposures are spot on too-
    what kind of exposure times are you using,
    and apertures,
    and do you meter?

    They do seem to be relatively short exposures-
    Again lovely worik-



    Thanks. will check the link, haven’t seen it before and i’ve searched alot on ZPs so thanks. A very informative place is f295, lots of zone plate work there.
    I meter with a handheld meter.
    Effective aperature of the zone plate is f65. So i meter for f64, and add a dollop for good fortune. I metered these at 4 secs and exposed for 6. There lots of scope too for exposures up to 1/300 sec in length – well at iso1600 anyway (this is 400 pushed to 1600).
    these are scans, haven’t tried direct printing from the neg.
    There’s a small amount of workdone in levels as ZP images can be cloudy and low contrast.


    did i say 1600? These are iso400.

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