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A real Bullfinch

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A real Bullfinch

  • Neelly

    And a friendly one as well


    How in the heck did you get such a shy wild bird to do that?


    How in the heck did you get such a shy wild bird to do that?

    I could say years of dedicated training, but I would be lying!

    We were on the patio when it flew into a window. Maureen picked it up to let it recover. It came to very quickly but seemed to be quite happy sitting on her hand. So much so that she eventually got fedup and tried to get it to sit on the table. It took the huff at that and flew off!

    Noely F

    Brilliant, you’re very lucky to get so close to such a bird :wink:


    We were on the patio when it flew into a window.

    A Goldcrest flew into my window once. It obviously concussed itself as it fell into the flower box on the window sill underneath and did not move. I rushed outside to see if there was anything I could do. I picked it up and after a few minutes it came round. Still dazed it stayed in my hand for a few minutes and allowed me to stroke its head gently. Then suddenly it made a number two in my hand and flew off.

    Ungreatful fecker!

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