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Black Monkey

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Black Monkey

  • bastien

    Taken in Manyara Nationnal park , Tanzania…. It s a bit dark but like expressions of the 2 monkeys…
    What do you guys think ?



    You captured a great intimate moment there Bastien. The look of pure pleasure on the preenee monkey is so funny…the preener just looks so intent on his work. I know..I’m sure I made up those words…but can’t think of another way to describe it :wink:

    It could probably do with a little sharpening..but this is wild right? No cages or enclosures here I assume…so well done for catching it.

    Great first post (I think it is anyway?)



    They are actually Olive Baboons, a male grooming a female. How’d you like Lake Manyara? Did you stay at the Eunoto Lodge?

    I think it needed a larger DOF. The female is in focus but the male isn’t. It’s tough to shoot in there because the light is constantly changing. One minute our out in the open with equatorial sun, the next your in the thick of the forest.

    Manyara was almost a wash for me, except we found one very special Cheetah there.


    Thanks for you r comments…

    I enjoyed Manyara lake as it was the first NP we did. We saw many elephants, hippos, monkeys, girafe, so it was not that bad…Each parks are differents but so breathtaking…
    I agree that it s hard to have the correct light there and as i m a begginner….
    If you want to check my pictures of my tanzanian trip it s :
    I ll try to post few more pics which i prefer but still with my office CPU….so…




    Nice snarling Lioness shot in your collection. Good Bull Elephant shot too. The Zanzibar shots are cool. You were lucky to get so close to the Black Rhino in Ngorongoro. They were just a dot in the distance for us.


    Great pictures on your blogs
    I like the monkeys too.

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