17 ! yeah thats young .. in his biog he talks of flying to do international shoots – can’t imagine a 17 year old would get too many comissions of that nature – maybe he is an assistant ? i started assisting at 18 and that was young then. i worked with clients in those days in london that would rip a 17 year old apart – maybe the industry is changing !!
I would hazard he has access to gear most of can only dream of, and probably someone in his family who was an avid photographer that took him under his (or her) wing. He has an incredible eye for a good photo, for all of that.
Joey has been a member of DPChallenge for ages and started out on a digicam a few years ago. He has posted on the G8 photoblog (g8.no) numerous times. There’s quite a few others posting on this photoblog that was once considered the top photoblog around. I think he’s a fantastic photographer.