I think everyone should look at some of these pictures in great detail.
There are some pictures here that had I taken them I possibly could have deleted them.
I do think that we are too consumed with perfect framing, perfect DOF, perfect contrast and all the other
perfections we seem to be chasing.
There are some excellent shots here that just look completly wrong and that go against every rule there is.
Maybe that is exactly what makes them work so well. They break every rule there is.
thanks for posting Stas, these pics have given some really cool ideas for projects.
Cheers Graham, inspiration is what it’s all about. I’ll be trying some more of this in the near future, certainly makes a difference to ‘get involved’ with your surroundings, so to speak, rather than sit back in the psychological safety of an arranged theme.
I’m with you in sentiment and find that there’s a preponderance to perfection which sometimes I appreciate, sometimes I loathe. There’s skill to be acquired in this type of photography – literally, blink and you miss it.