Nice and sharp. Great action shot. Light in the eye. Can’t critique the squrrel. I’d crop it differently though. Reduce the space on the right. You can trim a bit from the bottom to keep the 6*4 ratio.
I do know a place in the south easy where reds still run riot. I’m hoping to find some time (and some bright light) to get down there with the hide. I won’t post the location here but some googling of official Irish sites will give you a location. You can PM me if you want.
Very nice shot Rob, nice and sharp where it matters. I have to agree with Aidan though that a different crop with less space to the right would improve the final image.
Cheers for the comments folks. While I was very pleased with the
colour and sharpness of this one, I wasn’t too sure about the crop I’d
chosen, so thanks for the input. I’m sure it will look far better with Aidan’s
suggested crop. I’ll definitely change this one before I print it.
Thanks again,