I took this a few days ago, and i love the angle i got of his face, I was just wondering do any of you think its good enough
to put in a portfolio for a film course. the arm of the bench is a bit distracting , i was trying to get a frame around him.
im just not sure if it works or not.
Any input would be appreciated ,,I need to get these developed tomorow b.t.w.
Personally, the arm of the bench really kills it for me. It’s one thing to frame him with it, but the way it blocks the end of the guitar and the top of the head is just far too distracting.
I have to agree with Ryan on this one.
Without the bench it would have been a nice perspective to take
the shot from. the bench is just to distracting.
Yes, similar opinion from me I’m afraid. On the plus you’ve got the depth of field right but the arm of the bench is too dominant as well as cuts out some of the guitar head. My eyes rest on the bulky ornament of the arm, and don’t easily move towards the guitarist’s face, despite the great expression you caught.
Not an easy one to crop either, can’t think how you might rescue it. I would also lighten the shadows, apply a little more contrast and brighten the image, maybe a tiny bit of sharpening.