That’s a cracker of a shot Rod. Beautiful DOF and perfect
framing. Always nice to be able to post a full frame without
any cropping, not something I get right very often.
Thanks guys for the comments, I wasn’t quite happy with what I had in the zoo as they can testify but once I downloaded the images I saw a good few witch made me quite happy. I’m happy that you like them…
Rob, All the images posted from the Zoo are actually full frame or very minor crops applied… I’ve been trying to avoid cropping anything big on an image for a while so most of my last images posted here are actually full frames, trying to improve my framing and shooting skills by framing in camera.
Lovely composition and conversion on this one Rod. I actually think you were sandbagging on the day..hehehe!! Telling us all your shots were bad…all the time you had all these crackers of shots stowed away… :wink: