Expresbro, you catched me… :twisted:
1. – It looks like that it’s the smile behind the fire.
2. – If the photo is made up of two, I would convert the face to b&w.
I can see, colour fire and b&w face behind would make more dramatic image. Of course after smoking :D :roll:
Thanks guys.
Roberto the face is in B+W, I was trying to blend a fire shot with
the face. The person was actually screaming and not smiling as you mentioned.
However the more I look at it the more it does seem like a smile.
I basically used layers and then used the eraser tool with a very low opacity to bring some
of the face through, adding some fill layers along the way, then merging all the finished layers.
I was trying this more as an experiment in PS work more than anything.
The expression is not bad on the face. The problem I think is that there is no color cast on the face from the fire , it should be yellowish. The fire is just amazing, nice details. Good try!