Well Done Roberto, I think this is a great image, The tree line on the left leads the viewers eye into the image, ie towards the valley, then your eye is drawn down the valley and into the rest of the image, the colours are great and the image is nice and sharp from what i can see, my only “nit” and it is a nit is that to me the sky is very uneventful but at the end of the day there isn’t too much you can do about that. All in all i think it’s a smashing image, well done thanks for sharing…….
This is a great place and a pleasent composition, you had very nice weather too with a interesting sky, thought the overall processing is a bit too much for me, the colors are over saturated to the maximum and it looks like either the saturarion or the darkening of highlights created a halo over the larger trees making this at the most a average landscape. Sorry mate but doesn’t do it for me mostly because of the post processing!
As the others have mentioned the composition is very good here, with great leading lines. I do like the sky personally. With the post processing, the edges along the trees are exhibiting halos. This means that the PP is really obviously.
I’m not sure which method you are using to dodge and burn, but if it’s using ‘Paint with Light’ on an overlay layer then select this layer and lasso around edge of the trees and apply a blur to soften the transition.
Really great view with an excellent composition.
Perhaps a little “over-processed” but that may be down to the re-sizing and compression.
Good work Roberto.
I like that sweep of grass in the foreground. The strong green compliments the strong blue of the top part of the sky. The trees make a nice lead in too.