Johnny put me on to this idea a while back from something he showed me on another site. The idea being someone posts an image a day, keeping comments to very minimum. I’d suggest we keep images to about 600*600 approx, images old or new, you decide.
I was actually thinking of creating ‘A day in the life’ type forum in the creative zone.
It could easily be a photo a day of course etc…. might attract more folk ?
My idea does not appear to have worked, maybe it was in the wrong section. However I still thinks its a good idea. A portfolio of images without C&C and limited comments. It would be a good introduction to the forum for first time visitors to the site and a good place for users who might want to just browse images. The ‘day in the life’ is a good broad theme but i think it might get hidden away in the creative secition. Actually I’d like to see it on the opening page in a prominent position.
I guess just 1 person a day ? First to post.
It wouldn’t be specific to film or digital of course.
Alternatively as I’ve seen on another site, you could just have a ‘No Words’ forum where
someone creates a topic/theme, they post up their photograph and then people add theirs.
No comments to be made, just photos which fit the theme.