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some blue ones, and some yellow ones…

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some blue ones, and some yellow ones…

  • eas

    not much of a wildlife guy, but quite like the atmosphere caught in this one. CnC welcome.




    Lovely colours!

    I’m not sure if I love the DOF or not. I think possibly a crop would bring the best out in this shot?

    I really like it overall, but something makes it feel a little unstable. Can’t put my finger on it. Do you know what I mean?



    Thanks Tim

    To be honest I haven’t much experience in the nature and wildlife area, so probably cant feel the same as you about how it doesn’t sit right.

    DOF + focus I felt where best in the area where the light was the brightest, maybe thats a touch too distant from the front of the shot….and too central maybe.

    I’ve already cropped a bit so the blue took up around 2/3.

    Is it possibly the over-saturation that’s throwing it off? I know the blue is pretty well over cooked in most of the flowers…..too much contrast for you tastes maybe?

    thanks for the comments

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