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Rocky? Nah! Real Boxers . . .

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Rocky? Nah! Real Boxers . . .

  • fishjam45

    Been a while since my last post so I decided to bring my two Boxers for a walk and a few snaps. Here’s the best of a bad bunch, enjoy (or not) :wink:


    Beautiful dogs Colin, the first one has a bit of a blue tint to the blacks,
    bit of adjusting in the colour and you would have a really nice shot, love the
    expression on his face. Same on the second, seems to be the shadows. The
    third is great.


    thanks shuttterbug, I agree with you about the blue tint now that you mention it . . . pity about the shadow in the 2nd shot too


    The shadows on the second one are quite destracting shame.
    no 3 is the winner
    :D :D :D :D

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