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Noely, you have a lot to answer for!

Homepage Forums Photo Critique Catch All Macro and Close-ups Noely, you have a lot to answer for!

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Noely, you have a lot to answer for!

  • beef

    Because of you, I’m chasing these fellas all over the garden… :) The neighbours must think I’m a complete nutter at this stage. Very difficult to get these in focus manually. I think they know when you just have them, and then they take off in the opposite direction!



    Thats very good, I was trying this all over the weekend so I can understand your heartache trying to catch these in flight with every possible lens I have almost.
    You beat me too it though!


    Noely F

    The trick to catching these fellas is to stand still..and they’ll come to you, or maybe its just my odour :lol:


    It’s the Lynx Noely…irresistable to women AND hoverflies… :D :D

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