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Chimp Time

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Chimp Time

  • Expresbro

    Went to the zoo with the family today…me, the wife, and 4 kids….!! Added to that we didn;t arrive there till after 2pm…so wasn’t expecting much. But the later afternoon light proved a blessing and I managed to bag quite a few decent shots.

    The Chimps over by the Rhino Compound were particularly active and in the mood to pose and play act. Here’s two out of the many shots I took of them:

    Who’s watching Who?

    Hmm…Hiccups at Flikr…so I’ll have to post the second one later. C&C appreciated as always


    Okay…hiccups cured…here’s no.2

    Safety of Mothers Arms

    This little guy was causing a lot of friction with the other chimps it seems and when they started to get annoyed with him he ran straight back to Mom…just like every naughty boy… :wink:



    Great shot Robbie just a pity the chimp is blocking the left hand one with his elbow.They look a bit mad and the photo has great connection with the photographer,



    You know these are my faves…love the expressions!


    There’s two great photos there Robbie. There’s a tint of some kind in the colour … maybe someone will be able to make a slight edit suggestion?


    Terrific work there Robbie. Great compositions and you’ve
    captured some brilliant expressions.


    Alan Rossiter

    Could this first photo go into the documentary forum too? It looks like an old gangster movie frame of the godfather with his heavies. :D It’s brilliant!


    Excellent shots Robbie the expressions are priceless.



    Thanks guys…I’m pretty happy with these shots myself :D It’s the first time I’ve managed to get some really decent chimp shots. Just could have staying there all afternoon watching them..but unfortunately the kids didn’t agree :wink: Actually, about 15 minutes later, when I was around the other side having a picnic, all hell broke loose and there was screaming and running and fighting. I would love to have caught that… :wink:

    Wonka…I love that idea…hehehe!!! Little Michael Corleone with Marlon Brando on the left and James Caan on the right… :lol:

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