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Street Performer

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Street Performer

  • mgst

    It was tough to get a good shot of this guy as there were so many people around him.

    C&C welcome


    I think as the photographer, as tough as it may have been to get this shot, you needed to work a little harder. The shot is just too busy with way too many distractions (legs) in the background. Getting down lower to the ground to his eye level would have helped enourmously as would moving around to being in front of him. Perhaps a longer lens or a wider aperture would also have helped isolate him from the background. More often than not, if you just snap a shot from eye level, the shot just won’t work and will lack impact.


    Cheers Ciaran appreciate the comments and all taken on board.



    Have to agree with Ciaran on this one Mick. But at the same time, as someone who only started this type of photography a while ago myself, I can appreciate that it takes time to develop the nerve to be a bit cheekier and a bit more forward taking this kind of shot.

    There are things you could have improved of course without really getting too close.

    One of the first things I learned when I went on street safari is that it is almost always better to get down on the same level as the subject if possible. This applies to most types of photography. It just improves the shot so much and it doesn’t take a lot of effort either :D I think in the case of this shot it really would have helped the composition. It separates the shot from being a casual passing shot to one that the photographer has put some thought into. But of course, it’s why forums like this are so important starting out. If nobody tells you this, how will you learn?

    I actually like the angle you’ve chosen and the subject matter has lots of potential. Again, as Ciaran has already said..shooting with a longer focal length and choosing a wide aperture (small f No.) would have helped to isolate the subject from the busy background, which is usually a good thing. I pulled many a hair from my head trying to get this right myself, and sometimes have to kick my own backside to remind myself…hehehe…:wink:

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