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Banded Demoiselle – Br?deog bhandach

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Banded Demoiselle – Br?deog bhandach

  • griangraf

    From the Shannon a few days ago. C & C as always welcome. Canon 20D, Sigma 150mm 1/200, f/9, ios 100. Slan MJ


    Marvellous macro Doctor M. Astonishing detail, right down to
    those hirsute legs. Is it just me or is the colour slightly less
    vibrant than in real life? Other than that, brilliant…


    Alan Rossiter

    Is it just me or is the colour slightly less
    vibrant than in real life?

    A polariser, I suspect?

    Nice closeup. Anytime I’ve tried to get one of these type of creatures I spend my time chasing shadows.


    Noely F

    Thats a beauty Dr.M :wink:


    Thanks for the feedback folks. The colours are a slight bit muted. The sun was shing but it was a little hazy so I think that took the irridescence of the shot. I think I could have probably used a slightly bigger DoF. Cheers, MJ :D :D

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