Hi Folks, This is my first photo posted. Be gentle with me, I’m a sensitive soul.
I have to say the subject looked a lot better than it smelled. After take the photo I got the irrresistible urge for a stir fry.
Comments appreciated.
Maybe someone would tell me what I did wrong. Photo didn’t show automatically.
I pasted url in with the message. Correct procedure please.
It’s a gift I have.
Well, I tried to help,
but I’ve got another broken link, I think.
I could be wrong,
maybe someone will say,
but I copied your link,
pasted it,
selected it,
and clicked the img button,
which wrapped the address in tags.
I’m sometimes not allowed see images hosted here,
so I can’t tell if it worked-
Welcome to the forum,
if you use an external hosting site,
I’ll have a better chance of seeing your pictures-
Hi p&s,
Fair comments, appreciated, I was trying to achieve a contrast between flower and hand. Think ‘Beauty And The Beast’, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.