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Photos of White tailed eagles

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Photos of White tailed eagles

  • Tiny

    Hi All,
    Just read some of your comments on the white tailed sea eagles and the cost of going to norway etc…… I would just like to point out that 15 pairs of white tailed sea eagles are being released this month in the killarney national park…… so dont get plane tickets….. get a good zoom lense… i happen to know one or two of the release sites so if your are going to killarney let me know and i’ll point you in the right direction if i can, however i will not disclose the loactions of the release sites to anyone… so please dont ask

    have a look here



    some great pictures on that site Tiny,
    the birds look almost tame,
    then you get to the end,
    and you find out they are!

    Good pictures nonetheless-



    Jiust about the Birds of prey on my flickr site……. They are not tame and never will be. Its a common misconception that falconers birds are pets…. this is never the case. We know how to handle them and we know the birds we are handleing but you never let your self think that these birds are tame because they are not….if you slip up and let your guard down then you can end up with a painfull reminder that the hawks and falcons are wild birds and will always remain wild birds…
    I’ve been doin falconry since i was 12 or 13 and am luck to be in a position to be able to take some nice pictures of birds of prey. If you live in or the limerick area there is a place down there that can accomadiate amature photographers for a small fee. you will be able to take photos of hawks / falcons flying. Get closer to them then you would like to… no fences or wires to mess up your shots… they also have snakes.. lizards… foxes and other animals….. As for the fee, well i dont know, but the place is an animal shelter and they have a lot of injured animals handed in to them which they look after and release into the wild where possible. it costs a lot to feed and care for the all the animals not to mention the vetinary bills…..

    if you want to know more… let me know



    well, tame is obviously the wrong word,
    but they are used to humans,
    and to being close to humans.

    Their scale helps as well,
    they’re obviously bigger than the robins and ringed doves that I’m used to-
    maybe if they were eagles,
    I’d be able to fill the frame better-

    Thanks for the info,
    will be great to see some of those birds appear here from time to time-


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