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What she really craves??!!

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What she really craves??!!

  • Expresbro

    Every picture tells a story..see how she caresses that camera…hehehe!!

    Is it what she really craves..? :twisted:


    Im not sure if you used the blue channel or just added noise
    but i like it.Its a really nice image and it is proccessed well.

    Not Pete the bloke

    …but not a very good lesson in how to hold a camera and lens! :lol:


    Nah Sean..the noise is due to high ISO and low light levels. Can’t claim any artistic merit on that front. Though I will try…

    Ross…you can tell her that…she doesn’t listen to me…;-) Think the D200 is a bit on the large size for her. She’s DenverDoll btw…. :D


    I was thinking of that too.
    It still looks good :D



    We really have got to get to the bottom of your obsession with photographing people who are photographing people :wink:

    As far the handling….hmmm…it’s darn good thang it works well works well for other things, as I obviously fail miserably as a Nikon model. :oops: :wink:

    Anyway, it felt right to me. I am rather fond of the camera, and that one is not even mine. You should see the way I my grip my own.

    Take away the folly of my fingers and I agree with S~man, it’s a nicely done. I personally love it, but then again, I am somewhat attached to my fingers :wink:

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