have just graduated from college with a BA in photography here in Dublin and came across your site. It goes without saying that I am a photo addict! It runs though my veins on an hourly basis…anyhow I would like to take part and offer help to anyone out there and also perhaps learn a few things that I have neglected to learn in college (and that was lots of stuff). Anyhow I should like to know like minded people so get in touch!
One thing you’ll learn – people here are wacky and will either blow you away with their imagination or their wit. I think it’s the imagination that makes a photographer stand out and their eye for the unusual. You seem keen and I can’t wait to see your efforts. You’ll have fun here!
Congratulations on getting your degree Gary, and welcome aboard. No shortage of
like-minded addicts here to keep you company and send you hurtling off in the wrong
direction… Be afraid, be very afraid…