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Say ‘Hello’ to Daddy!

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Say ‘Hello’ to Daddy!

  • Madra Rua

    This is Daddy Gorilla after he noticed three PI members aiming at him with their gigantic lenses.
    Ok, he’s actually yawning.

    The greenish lipstick is some ‘poo’ he was snacking on earlier :shock:

    I flipped the image horizontally as find that it looks better that way.
    I also did little cosmetic cloning and some dodging to bring out the eyes more.

    I know Aidan has a better shot of him – but then again, his lens is MUCH better :wink:

    Canon 400D, Sigma 70-300 APO DG MACRO, ISO 800, f5.6, 214 mm 1/80s (!!)

    Alan Rossiter

    Yup…your daddy is bigger than mine.

    I have to say to captured that one perfectly. I’d just kicked my lens into manual focus when he turned and yawned. I was kicking myself but them’s the breaks.

    This one and baby came out very sharp and seem well lit too. I’m jealous.

    Well done Hauke

    Madra Rua

    irishwonkafan wrote:

    This one and baby came out very sharp and seem well lit too. I’m jealous.
    Well done Hauke

    Thanks Alan.
    I’m a bit surprised (but happy) that they came out so well.
    Maybe you should get yourself one of those ?200 Sigmas as backup :wink:

    Alan Rossiter

    Maybe you should get yourself one of those ?200 Sigmas as backup

    I’m thinking of a word now…rhymes with ditch. :lol:

    Seriously though, this one looks brilliant. You can certainly rub my nose in whatever that green stuff on daddys lip was with these 2.



    That is absolutely delightful.

    Though he does not look the least bit delighted. He looks madder than heck.

    Thank you for always explaining everything you did. It really helps digital neophytes like Me :D



    That is a pretty cool shot, Hauke!

    Madra Rua

    joe_elway wrote:

    That is a pretty cool shot, Hauke!

    Thanks, but I know you have an even better one Aidan!


    Amazing shot, Hauke! These guys were inside, munching their breakfast/lunch when I was there. Mighty creatures! More intelligent looking than many humans that I see everyday, especially the the ones hanging around takeaways…

    Madra Rua

    positron wrote:

    Mighty creatures! More intelligent looking than many humans that I see everyday, especially the the ones hanging around takeaways…

    Yes, some of them are eating sh*t as well :wink:


    Excellent shot Hauke. Mine came out terrible :(


    Madra Rua wrote:

    Yes, some of them are eating sh*t as well :wink:

    Well, as you know, in some parts of the world, human beings use own urine for various medicinal and cosmetic reasons, probably a survival technique that we humans conveniently forgot, where as they having considered the alternatives (Mary Harney… etc!) decided to hold on to! :D


    Great shot, Hauke.
    Is he a smoker aswell? Look at the colour of his teeth!

    Madra Rua

    Swordie wrote:

    Great shot, Hauke.
    Is he a smoker aswell? Look at the colour of his teeth!

    LOL Look at the colour of his tongue :shock:


    Great shot Hauke.


    Bloody brilliant shot Hauke!! Nothing more to say really… :D

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