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Woof, Meeoww & Oh Oh, Ah Ah! (56K beware)

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Woof, Meeoww & Oh Oh, Ah Ah! (56K beware)

  • Alan Rossiter

    3 more from the PI Zoo day.

    C&C Welcome.

    Madra Rua

    Love the posture and the look of the red haired guy.
    Though it looks like he/she has no legs :shock:

    Alan Rossiter

    I think red hair is a thing with you…Madra Rua. You showed little interest in the Madra Ban as I recall. :lol:

    Yeah, legs were optional in this one – it was the poise that I liked.

    Thanks…I think.


    Absolutely love the wolf shot. Brilliant image; composition, sharpness and
    colour all spot on. A real keeper.
    The lion shot is also excellent, though perhaps it could do with just a tad
    more contrast.
    Orangutans are quite possibly my favourite of all animals, though
    your shot here is a little too centrally composed for my liking and it
    also seems a little soft.
    But the other two are absolute crackers. Nice work Alan.


    Alan Rossiter

    Thanks Rob.

    The wolf shot is my fav of the day. Given another chance I’d have tried to get all of his ears in the shot to bring it to 100% but that’ll do for now.

    I liked the Orang shot for it’s poise – it fills the frame from top left to bottom right.

    I do have a problem though. This is the second comment on increasing contrast. After I posted the “my daddy…” shot of the young gorilla I tried to apply some contrast to these images. Anything above 10% seemed to really blow the image. All three of these were increased in contrast to about 10% but still seem soft.

    I’m happy with the 50-500mm lens as being sharp as I have some shots of the rhino that you could reach out and touch. Granted the light was better for that shot. The Lion was the only one with obstacles that might soften it but these were oof leaves that were burned out. The above shots were taken at ISO 400, mid range zoom and around f8, the sweet spot of the lens so I’m not pointing in that direction.

    Any any hints/procedures/tips/methods/pointers…etc would be most helpful.



    Super shot of the Wolf, very sharp.


    Fantastic shot of the wolf Alan..definitely one of the best I’ve seen to date. I’ve been to the zoo several times and the buggers always seem to be asleep…!!

    The other two shots are great as well..but just slightly eclipsed by Brer Wolf.

    As regards the contrast thing, I get that comment quite a bit with my shots too…so it is something I am going to concentrate on myself, but bearing in mind that it can be a very personal thing..some people like really hard contrast shots and some people don’t. I’m a bit of an inbetweeny myself…a fence sitter ya might say… :wink:

    Alan Rossiter

    I’ve been to the zoo several times and the buggers always seem to be asleep…!!

    Aidans tip was to get some noisy children and they’ll wake. My tip would be to bring Madra Rua (Hauke) with you – his bellowing voice shook the place – just look at his photo of the silverback. :wink:

    I have been reducing my post compression sharpening of late so I might have a go at this to improve the softness issue. I was at 20% with Irfanview now I’m back to 8% so a reversal upwards may do it.

    Oh, and thanks for the compliment on the wolf. It’s now my work PC wallpaper.


    Madra Rua

    irishwonkafan wrote:

    My tip would be to bring Madra Rua (Hauke) with you – his bellowing voice shook the place…

    :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Am I really THAT loud? :oops:


    #1 & #3 are great shots, I like the poses you’ve captured

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