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Portrait of a wet face

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Portrait of a wet face

  • Madra Rua

    I soooo enjoyed going to the zoo on Saturday.
    But now I can’t stop posting shots from that morning… :roll:


    That is lovely..she looks like such a gentle soul here.

    Very well captured and nice perspective.

    I have become sort of partial to hippos lately, but have to say, this photo really stands out.


    Nice timing … considering they stayed up for about a second.

    Sharon, these things are around the second most dangerous thing in Africa. They’re not exactly pet material :D

    Madra Rua

    joe_elway wrote:

    Sharon, these things are around the second most dangerous thing in Africa.

    Right after humans and mosquitos…

    “Nearly all of the famous African explorers and hunters–Livingstone, Stanley, Burton, Selous, Speke, DuChaillu–had boating mishaps with hippos. All considered the hippo to be a wantonly malicious beast. Not long ago Spencer Tyron, a white hunter, was killed while hunting near the shores of Lake Rukwa, Tanzania. A bull hippo turned over the dugout canoe from which Tyron was shooting, and bit off his head and shoulders.”
    From “The Dangerous Hippo,” Science Digest, LXXVI (November, 1974), 80-86, by George W. Frame and Lory Herbison Frame

    For more info read HERE.

    Alan Rossiter

    I like your shot Hauke. I’ve a couple of my own but you seem to have caught a nice angle and frame.

    As regards findong out more about how dangerous they are…I don’t think so. I think your excerpt was graphic enough proof!

    Any more coming our way of the day??


    Madra Rua

    irishwonkafan wrote:

    Any more coming our way of the day??

    I think I have all the good(ish) ones up on my flickr now.
    I might post one or two more during the day.

    Noely F

    Oh…..those textures and colours….really nice shot :wink:


    Sharon, these things are around the second most dangerous thing in Africa. They’re not exactly pet material Very Happy

    Aidan, I learned that at Disneyland when I was a little girl.. :lol:
    Still…it just doesn’t seem right does it :?

    The humans and mosquitos I can see, but heck, I would have thought even a rhino if not something a lot faster would be more deadly??

    I haven’t been to Africa, would really love to go.

    bit off his head and shoulders.”

    have to remember that..for when I finally go there :shock:

    Again Hauke…congrats on the wildlife award…some of that stuff on flkir is fabulous!!!!


    As far as I’m aware Hippos are vegetarians but are EXTREMELY territorial, and very agile and fast in the water…so don’t wanna be pissing them off on the river… :wink:

    Never heard of one biting a persons head off before…he must have really annoyed them… :lol:


    Super shot Hauke. Great detail.

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