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red hair girl

  • ulinka

    what i wanted to do with this picture (and didn t achieve my goal ;) is to have a darker blurry effect on the 2 funerary stones and have the girl between the stones kind of standing out…


    You might want to use a long lens with a small aperture. Alternatively you can try with a fast prime like a 50mm/1.8 or something similar…wide open.

    The very light green area stands out more than the girl, it’s no harm getting the subject closer to the camera, she’s lost in the busy background. Keep it simple. First, choose a less sunny day for shooting to avoid the uncontrollable contrast, then have the girl sit, lie or stand.. on the grass just behind the stones. If you set your lens to the smallest aperture and focus on the girl, the stones and the far background should be blurred enough and the girl will be isolated. You have to experiment a lot though.

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