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Celtic Sunrise

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Celtic Sunrise

  • MDCPhotography

    Captured on our way to the COI Rally, decided to stop off for a wee break and got these

    C&C Welcome

    andy mcinroy

    The third one for me allthough I feel the composition could have been a bit tidier.

    The roof on the left and the stone on the right are a bit awkward.

    You did the right thing to keep the head of the stone high against the sky which is what lets the other two down where it’s sat too low. Although the sky is more saturated in the first two, the sun exposure is still acceptable in the 3rd.



    Too much black zones on the first one, maybe it would work better in square format.
    In fact, they look kind of funny. If we do not know that these are celtic crosses, we could think of some futuristic stuff floating over the fields.


    very nice set there is a lot of black and it does look like they are floating i like it.
    The third would be my fav though :D

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