For the last evening race of the season, jb7 kindly took me on as apprentice
to try to double the number of available shots to work with. So, out in a rib into
the bay from D?n Laoghaire we sped, whereupon the light promptly vanished and
the measly wind faded to a mere breath…
So for jb, who organised the shoot, here’s one of mine taken just before I realised I had
my camera set to spot metering and 400 ISO… :oops:
And in deference to his preference, a 5X4
Hmm, that green thing again. I really must stop that.
Yes, it was a good experience going out on the water, and I may
have a couple of decent images from the shoot. Just posted this
one in a hurry because I reckoned I was under orders…
Now to start looking at the other 330 shots I took.
There has to be at least one, doesn’t there?
Well the colour does seem to resemble what I saw out there-
but as you know, choice of colour is highly subjective,
and I wasn’t sure if that is how you wanted them-
Still, you can’t beat a little bit of light, (and wind)
and we were robbed-
Good to see them up though-
I like the second of these-