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JAWS or flipper?

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JAWS or flipper?

  • MelK

    i am never really sure how to improve a photo by post processing. I guess it just comes from spending loads of time messing about. so basically i have done nothing to this photo. any c&c welcome


    What is it? Dolphin. Bottlenose????? Common???


    I kind of almost like it but I think that the fin isn’t really prominent enough in the picture. I’d like to see the fin a little bigger with still some water around it to give context. Then the image would work a little better for me.

    I also find the other black shape just to the right of the fin a little distracting and I’m left wondering what the hey it is.

    I’d like to know a little more info too, where’d you take it and what animal is it?


    thanks for the comments guys

    MM28 – i think it might be a common dolphin but not sure
    BBB – yes i think it needs a crop – I tried a couple but just wasn’t happy with them. the other black shape is probably another dolphin – there was about 30 of them! I was on a whale watching cruise off the coast of coffs harbour, australia. somehow my niece had convinced me that she needed to take a day off school to go whale watching with me. we were heading back after seeing loads of hump back whales and about 30 dolphins came from nowhere and started playing in front of the boat. i have some shots of them flying along jumping out of the water – but they were a little way off and boy do they move fast – so shots are not as clear as i would have liked.


    Jaws, definitely – I just played with the levels a bit, thats all!

    Just messing, another beginner here!! :D


    thanks positron – i didn;t notice that shark lurking in the shadows. :shock:

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