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Municipal dump in Campina Grande (BRAZIL)

Homepage Forums Photo Critique Street and Documentary Municipal dump in Campina Grande (BRAZIL)

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Municipal dump in Campina Grande (BRAZIL)

  • allPhoto

    Municipal dump in Campina Grande (state of Para?ba, Brazil). People working in here deal with „ recycling ”. They pull out from the garbage everything they can. Paper, glass, metal…. Then they sell it per kilo. They are paid 0,12 R$ ( 0,05 euro) per kilogram of plastic. Stink, dirt, poverty. Waiting for next trucks with garbage is a part of their life here. Small, provisionally bulit „houses” made of anything they can find here – foil, plastic, wood, some scrap of metal sheet. In the time of rain or heat they serve as a shelter. People in here? They do not look unhappy. They smile. They work they carry out is not an easy one. But they profoundly believe in God. „He will take care of us”. Most of them is illiterate. They are born here and they die in this place. They do not know other life. Only a few people attend nearby school, lead by missionaries. They do not feel such need. „Is it going to change our life anyhow?” They just live from day to day.
    Wonder, why are so many people in westarn countries depressed? They have everything. The Dump People have nothing; but perhaps they have a beliefs, friendships, the feeling of belonging to a community. The welthiness tends to isolate people. They are just richer and richer, surrounded by lots of things (houses, cars, equipment, etc.), they tend to play with it and lose true relations with other people?


    Pawel , I had a quick look at your site through the above link some great pictures very sad that people are living like that today. I particularly like the one of the young boy with the credit card what adifference that could have made.
    The only thing I can say is that if you try and post a few images up to about 4 you will get more views and comments and a chance to meet all those photographers in Dublin (you think to look at this forum there are a few :lol: :lol: )
    You have probably got an email from Mark telling you the best way to post.
    Enjoy your stay here and post some more.

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