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Pebbles and Water

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Pebbles and Water

  • Mr.H

    Heres my first attempt through my new Macro lens….. I know I can still get a lot closer, but I’d be interested in your comments.

    What I really want to know is how to avoid ‘SPS’ in this sort of shot…. Thats self portrait syndrome. As you can see a lovely reflection of tripod and photographer on the shiny pebble. It was a relatively overcast day, but those wet pebbles really were reflective, which is what attracted me in the first place…… I guess angle of shot is the answer, but would be interested in the feedback of anyone that does macro stuff regularly.

    Thanks – Gary


    I’d say if you use a polarizing filter you should get rid of the reflections to a certain extent, if you can find one that will fit a macro lens that is!

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