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Summer fireworks

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Summer fireworks

  • munsterman28

    Any tips on editing?

    Taken not long after i had the new camera back in August. Next time id use a lense hood to prevent raindrops and id smash the light bulb in the light on the bridge. Plus id try and find a spot with less people. WAs one of the better ones. What kind of settings should i be using for fireworks? Played around on the night but was a bit of luck thrown in too


    I like this shot. Not much you can do about the light on the bridge but it doesn’t really detract from teh picture IMO. Brilliant work getting the bridge so clear with the fireworks. Maybe like you said a position where there are not so many people and the chance of getting some reflections of the fireworks in the river would just cap of this shot but I like it very eye catching. Making me jealous :lol:

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