A friend of mine here bought a 400D at the end of November. Sometime over Christmas it started giving him an error when he turned on the camera. It’s ERR99, tells him to rehouse the battery. All he has to do to take the error away is open and close the battery door, but it keeps coming back.
As well as that when he tries to take a shot with the flash open the camera just tells him its busy and after a few seconds the ERR99 comes back up.
Anyone seen this before or maybe a someone who runs a shop could advise if he’s eligable for a replacement or just a repair?
Is your friend using a non canon lens with the 400d ? The only time I got that error was when I used an old Sigma lens with my 400d. The lens is currently being re-chipped to fix the problem.
By the lens contacts Paul means where the lens meets the camera. I think the photo below shows where the contacts are on The 400D but I am unfamiliar with that camera ,so dont do anything until advised from someone here that actually owns a 400D
Also there should be more or less the same kind of points on the lens.