Sony have just announced the Sony A200 10Mp with a CMOS sensor, replacement for the A100, prior to PMA. It looks very competitively priced for a 10mp. Coming in at ?449 with a kit lens. I guess it’ll probably get to 399 pretty soon. And a whole load of new lenses too.
Given the positive reviews of the 12.1Mp Sony A700 and the immanent release of the full-frame A900, rumored to be 20mp+ (on other Sony forums) Sony have been working hard. Sony also have an A300/A500 due out this year too, priced between the A200 ?399-449 and the A700 ?800-900.
I think it?s great to see another manufacturer really pushing the big boys (Nikon and Canon) it can only be good for Joe Public, more technology, more features at a competitive price. The only down side is that the UK retailers don?t seem to be too keen on stocking Sony, at the moment, but in other parts of the world, USA, Canada, OZ, SA, Asia the Sony?s seem to be selling real well.
So that?s
A100 last few remaining
A200 10mp ?399-449
A300/500 due summer
A700 ?800-999
A900 full-frame