Well done on both Brian but especially the first one. I like the muted colours and the darkness of it. The second is equally well presented but given the amount of the subject in the image I’d class it as a “record in time” type shot. The first being artistic and well. presented.
Opened up the post and was immediatley attracted to Pic #1… scrolled down to the post reply button to add my thoughts and wonka already went and said more or less what I was about to say!!!
Yeah, love the moody feel in the first shot. Hard to put into words what in portrays when I look at it but the it just seems right.
Thanks for the comments Mike. I did brightening the image when I was working on it but unfortunately it makes the second boat much stronger in the image and kind of ruins the general theme that I was going for. The main boat is a dark blue colour but the boat behind it is white so as soon as I brighten up the shot a bit the white boat starts becoming very prevalent. Good to hear your thouhts on it though.