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Tropical Fish

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Tropical Fish

  • Not Pete the bloke

    One of the guys in the camera club owns a tropical fish shop, so we were there last night trying to catch (forgive the pun) some colourful shots of the fish. Don’t ask me for names, I haven’t got a clue….. :lol:


    Hi Rossco, I like the simplicity of these shots, excellent, The pussycat has been casting a balefull eye at the screen, I think he’s impressed too. Mike


    A beautiful set of shots. Really vibrant and alive colours. Number three for me but they all jump out at you. Very nice set


    Noely F

    All sweet…no.3 especially. What settings did you use?


    Very nice Ross, colourful and sharp. I think it was mentioned
    somewhere here before about the difficulties of shooting through
    glass and water so it would be interesting to hear how you
    approached these. Manual focus I presume?


    Not Pete the bloke

    Thanks guys. Set up was off camera flash – one bare flash on a stand from an angle to avoid flash reflecting back off the glass. Focus was the trickiest issue because they move so darn fast – but having said that, 75% of my shots were Auto focus.


    Beautiful pics of some gorgeous fish! The first two are Discus, a beautiful and delicate freshwater fish from amazonian waters, these are farm bred colour varieties though. I had a shoal of these friendly guys until the water heater stuck on the ‘on’ position and killed them all. Haven’t had the heart to start from scratch again yet.

    The last fish is a saltwater fish, I never kept them so don’t know what it’s called.

    Would love to see more, a much more tricky subject than most give credit for.


    i love tropical fish these are realy nice. if you ever go to crete check out there aquaworld this is the best one in the med, i could have spent a whole day there it iis just fantastic


    Ross, brilliant shots mate, still takes me a minute or two to work out who you are :lol: .



    I love the first one! It’s like he’s saying hello (sometimes I’m such a girl).
    The stripe pattern on his scales also really helps draw the focus to his eye and the colouring of the background is great!

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