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Down the pub..

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Down the pub..

  • An experimental shot of an old pub… just not as extreme as the last old style conversion.

    C&C Please


    Nice picture and the PP work on it looks very impressive but I think it leaves it feeling a tiny bit unrealistic looking. It looks almost likea drawing or a painting. I think the previous “Ols Conversion” you did (the one with the rocking chair and fire-place and that) looked more like an old picture where this looks like a drawing of an old pub.

    Don’t get me wrong, the effect is really brilliant and I can only imagine how much different the original looks but I think it loses a tiny bit of merit as a photo and becomes more a creation of art.

    Brilliant PP on it though and it has made for a very striking image. Your PS skills are pretty nifty alright.



    I like this image. The shadows make me wonder whats behind (which is good for me) and they add athmosphere to the image.
    Well done

    Here is the original,i might convert it again the same methods as the last one i done just getting the time :(

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